ParfumPlus Arabia

❚ DIANA MARCH, TECHNICAL COMPLIANCE MANAGER AT EUROFRAGANCE In addition, last year we launched our first captive, L’Âme du Bois™, an upcycled naturally- derived ingredient which provides a new olfactive expression for wood. PP: TALKING ABOUT EUROFRAGANCE’S FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY, HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO ENSURE ADHERENCE TO SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES? ANY SPECIAL INITIATIVES IN YOUR HEADQUARTERS IN SPAIN, AND OTHER GLOBAL OFFICES? DM: Sustainability has always been in the company’s DNA. One of our main objectives is to have a sustainable supply chain, this is why we have published our first Sustainable Sourcing Policy as well as our Supplier Code of Ethics, to ensure the adherence of our stakeholders to our sustainability commitments. We published our Sustainability Policy and made it available on our company website and internal networks. In order to engage all Eurofragancers, we launched a global initiative, inviting each and every one to submit their ideas regarding sustainability. The Management Team will select the best ones and provide the resources needed to materialize them. PP: ENSURE, ASSURE AND REASSURE, TELL US MORE ABOUT THIS APPROACH. HOW DOES IT HELP YOUR ORGANIZATION AND YOUR CUSTOMERS? DM: At Eurofragance, the Technical Compliance area comprises the departments of Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs, Formula Management and Health and Safety. Behind all our creations, there is a group of highly qualified professionals that ensures, assures and reassures our customers that the fragrances that they receive, will not only exceed their expectations from an olfactive perspective, but also surpass the excellent quality that they need as well as the tranquility that it will be safe for consumers and legally compliant. P A R F U M P L U S 7

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