You&Eye India

TRENDS I am Sophie… Sophie Tallier. And I love eyewear.. everything about them. How they look, how they work, how they are made, how they are sold.. everything! And here’s what I think we should be looking for in eyewear in 2022 I n 2022, there is only an uptrend in consciousness. Optical brands will have to be honest about their endeavours in order to secure authentic relationships with consumers. But should we be worried about the lack of guidance we are being given? Isn’t it better to wear the same glasses as my mom, my neighbour and someone from another continent? Absolutely not. Instead of being told what is trendy and what we should be wearing, we are telling optical brands what we want and what we need. And believe it or not, they are 2022 Vision-Eyewear TrendsToLook OutFor You&Eye 14

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