VisionPlus Se Asia

• Ocular Motility Exam which examines the range and smoothness of eye movements in different directions. • Visual Field Testing that checks peripheral vision and visual awareness beyond central fixation. • THE ROLE OF BINOCULAR VISION IN POST-TRAUMA RECOVERY Binocular vision dysfunction can also arise following head injuries, such as concussions or traumatic brain injuries. In these cases, children may experience a constellation of symptoms collectively known as Post Trauma Vision Syndrome (PTVS). Proper assessment and • Collaboration with Other Specialists: Coordinated care with neurologists, occupational therapists, or developmental specialists may be beneficial for comprehensive management, particularly in cases involving neurological or developmental conditions. Assessing binocular vision in children is a vital component of thorough eye care, encompassing more than just visual clarity. It delves into the complex relationship between the eyes and the brain. Detecting signs of binocular vision issues and promptly seeking evaluation is crucial for preserving visual health and overall wellness. Remember, optimal vision isn't solely about sight; it's about perceiving the world with seamless harmony. Therefore, it's imperative to recognise the nuances of binocular vision dysfunction. This proactive approach ensures that any discrepancies in how the eyes work together are addressed promptly. Such diligence not only enhances visual acuity but also fosters a deeper understanding of the world around us. By prioritising binocular vision assessment, children prioritise their long-term ocular health and enrich their experiences. Ultimately, clear vision encompasses more than just seeing objects—it's about integrating visual information effortlessly, contributing to a fuller and more vibrant life. . management of binocular vision dysfunction are integral components of the rehabilitation process for children recovering from such injuries. TREATMENT AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS Once diagnosed, binocular vision disorders can often be effectively managed through various interventions tailored to individual needs. These may include- • Vision Therapy: A structured program of eye exercises and activities aimed at improving binocular coordination and visual processing skills. • Prism Lenses: Prescription lenses incorporating prismatic corrections to alleviate symptoms associated with binocular vision dysfunction. • Eyewear Modifications: Customised glasses or contact lenses designed to optimise visual alignment and clarity. BINOCULAR VISION DYSFUNCTION CAN ALSO ARISE FOLLOWING HEAD INJURIES, SUCH AS CONCUSSIONS OR TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURIES 30 VISION PLUS SE ASIA EDITION

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