VisionPlus Se Asia

GET READY FORTHE 2023 EDITION achievements of the optical trade in the MENA region. In this issue, we get candid with Jasbir Bolar, Marketing Director, VisionPlus and FourPlus Media, to get an insight into what lies in store for the next edition. DUBAI 1 7 - 1 8 - 1 9 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 3 VisionPlus (VP): With this background, tell us Jasbir how would you summarise the entire experience. Jasbir Bolar (JB): Well, I think it was fantastic. I have always been vocal about the love and encouragement that the optical trade has extended to the VisionPlus EXPO. The numbers, the participation, the feedback is all a testimony to the fact that people love the VisionPlus EXPO. The show grew by 65% and the number of visitors grew by 100%. We had a large percentage that was a repeat turnout from last year. So the growth is surely impressive. And why not! The location is convenient, the spread of products is impressive and the arrangements are fantastic! It is the perfect mix for anyone who is into the business. VP: Interesting, with expectations already soaring through the sky… what are your plans for 2023? THE SHOW GREW BY 65% AND THE NUMBER OF VISITORS GREW BY 100%. WE HAD A LARGE PERCENTAGE THAT WAS A REPEAT TURNOUT FROM LAST YEAR... JASBIR BOLAR Marketing Director, VisionPlus and FourPlus Media 11 VISION PLUS SE ASIA EDITION

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