VisionPlus Se Asia

if they are accompanied by flashes of light, it's important to seek medical attention right away to rule out any serious conditions. SYMPTOMS OF EYE FLOATERS The symptoms of eye floaters can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the floaters. Some common symptoms of eye floaters include: • Seeing spots or tiny specks that seem to float across your field of vision. • Seeing cobwebs or squiggly lines that move when you move your eyes. • Seeing dark or shadowy shapes that move across your vision. • Noticing an increase in the number of floaters over time. • Experiencing flashes of light in your vision. • Having difficulty reading or focusing on objects due to floaters. RISK FACTORS Some common risk factors for eye floaters include: • Age: As mentioned earlier, age is the most significant risk factor for eye floaters, as the vitreous humor in the eye changes over time and can develop tiny fibers or strands that cast a shadow on the retina. • Nearsightedness: People who are nearsighted (myopic) may be more prone to developing eye floaters. • Eye injury: Trauma to the eye, such as from a blow or a surgical procedure, AS THE EYE MOVES, THESE CLUMPS CAST SHADOWS ON THE RETINA, WHICH IS THE LIGHT-SENSITIVE TISSUE AT THE BACK OF THE EYE THAT SENDS VISUAL SIGNALS TO THE BRAIN 35 VISION PLUS SE ASIA EDITION

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