VisionPlus Se Asia

OPTHA TALK January was Glaucoma Awareness Month and everyone around the globe was doing their bit to help and treat people with Glaucoma GLAUCOMA: AGLOBAL VIEW S ome insights from subject matter experts from UAE, India and USA HOW OPTICIANS SHOULD HANDLE PATIENTS WITH GLAUCOMA Dr. Laroche, the President of Advanced Eyecare of New York Glaucoma Expert, shares his insights on Glaucoma. Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in the world today. There are over 80,000 people that go blind from glaucoma every year in the US. It is the leading cause of preventable blindness in African Americans and people from the Caribbean. The most identifiable cause of glaucoma is the enlarged lens or cataract in the eye. Early cataract surgery and trabecular bypass has become the best option to stop vision loss in patients with glaucoma in my practice. The current use of eyedrops and lasers help to lower intraocular pressure but do not address the causative mechanism of the glaucoma 24 VISION PLUS SE ASIA EDITION

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