VisionPlus India

They visited the Charmant factory and met Chairman Horikawa San, which was a memorable experience. This visit showcased Pearl Enterprise's dedication to quality and innovation in the eyewear industry together with top retailers and opticians, creating lasting memories and strengthening their bond, promising more exciting adventures ahead. “Wonderful memories! Thank you very much for everything once again.” VIVEK NANDODKAR, LAWRENCE & MAYO “Thank you, Deepak Sir, and Mohsin. It truly was an amazing experience, especially for someone travelling to Japan for the first time. We’ve come back with memories of our time together that we will always cherish.” RAJIV NANDODKAR, LAWRENCE & MAYO “The trip was planned at the right time to enjoy cherry blossom in full bloom, the Shinkansen bullet train journey gave us an experience of what to expect in future from Indian Railways. The stay at Fukui Onsen was an experience of traditional Japan and the all-vegetarian Japanese dinner was beyond my imagination. The best experience I had was the visit to the Charmant factory and seeing Mr Horikawa San. His collection of eyewear spanning all these years and creating a museum is worth visiting for every optician.” ANUP R KUMAR, R KUMAR 57 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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