VisionPlus India

MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT Managing low vision involves a comprehensive approach known as vision rehabilitation. This treatment aims to maximise the individual's remaining vision and help them live as independently as possible. A low-vision specialist conducts a thorough low-vision exam to understand how the condition affects the patient's daily life. Based on this assessment, a personalised treatment plan is developed. VISION REHABILITATION Vision rehabilitation may include a variety of resources and support services: • Low Vision Aids and Devices: These include prescription glasses, contact lenses, optical magnifiers, electronic magnifiers, screen readers, large print and high contrast products, and voice-to-text technology. and prompt attention to any unusual vision changes are crucial in preventing permanent vision loss. Early intervention can significantly improve outcomes and slow the progression of many eye conditions. THE FUTURE OUTLOOK Looking ahead, the future of low vision holds promise for significant improvements in quality of life. As technologies continue to evolve, individuals with low vision can expect: Personalised Treatments: Tailored treatment plans based on genetic profiles and individual needs. Improved Devices: Enhanced functionality and integration of AI to provide real-time assistance and adaptation to changing environments. Better Accessibility: Greater affordability and availability of assistive technologies through advancements in manufacturing and distribution. While low vision presents considerable challenges, ongoing research and technological advancements offer hope for significant improvements in treatment and quality of life. As advancements in technology and medical understanding continue to evolve, there is hope for even more effective treatments and support for those living with low vision. • Practical Training and Support: Occupational therapy, mobility training, rehabilitation instruction, special education, vocational services, counselling, and support groups can significantly enhance the quality of life for individuals with low vision. PREVENTING PERMANENT VISION LOSS While not all causes of low vision are preventable, many are treatable if detected early. Regular eye exams MANAGING LOW VISION INVOLVES A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH KNOWN AS VISION REHABILITATION 54 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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