VisionPlus India

Low vision refers to a permanent visual impairment that significantly hampers daily activities, affecting millions worldwide SHEDDING LIGHTON LOW VISION aim to help these individuals maximise their remaining vision through specialised aids and technology. SYMPTOMS AND IMPACT Low vision can affect individuals differently, with symptoms varying widely. Some common manifestations include: • Loss of Central Vision: Difficulty seeing what is directly in front. • Peripheral Vision Loss: Trouble seeing objects out of the sides of the eyes. • Depth Perception Issues: Difficulty judging the distance between objects. • Contrast Sensitivity Problems: Struggling to distinguish objects in the foreground from those in the background. OPTHA TALK L ow vision refers to a permanent visual impairment that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. It significantly hampers everyday activities such as reading, driving, and recognising faces. UNDERSTANDING LOW VISION Low vision is a condition characterised by significant visual impairment that cannot be corrected with standard glasses, contact lenses, or surgical interventions. Most eye doctors define low vision as moderate to severe visual impairment. Terms like “partially sighted” and “legally blind” fall under this category, though they have more specific meanings related to eligibility for special education or disability services. Low vision can manifest in various forms, including peripheral vision loss, a central blind spot, or blurred vision. Despite not being totally blind, individuals with low vision experience substantial challenges in their daily lives. Vision rehabilitation services 52 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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