VisionPlus India

create an environment ripe for networking, knowledge exchange, and the formation of lasting business relationships. Participating in the VisionPlus EXPO means tapping into the thriving markets of the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. The event aims to welcome visitors from all over 80 countries, unlocking global business opportunities for exhibitors. Attendees can expect a diverse array of international pavilions featuring top brands from Germany, France, Italy, China, and more. Exhibitors can expand their brand reach, increase visibility, and generate significant business leads. Showcasing products in Dubai positions brands as global players, signalling to potential buyers and customers their prominence in the industry. The VisionPlus EXPO offers a unique platform for exhibitors to connect with a concentrated presence of opticians and customers from diverse markets, fostering potential collaborations and lucrative connections. The event’s comprehensive promotional campaign ensures exhibitors' brand messages resonate with potential buyers well in advance, enhancing their market reach. For eyewear brands aiming to stay ahead of the curve, the VisionPlus EXPO in Dubai is an unparalleled opportunity to elevate their business to new heights! THE VISIONPLUS EXPO OFFERS EXHIBITORS THE CHANCE TO SHOWCASE THEIR EYEWEAR PRODUCTS, EQUIPMENT, AND MACHINERY TO AN EAGER AUDIENCE OF INTERNATIONAL BUYERS DUBAI 0 8 - 0 9 - 1 0 O C T O B E R 2 0 2 4 37 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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