VisionPlus India

85 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION to see objects clearly. On examination, she had very negligible distance correction with visual acuity of 6/6 and with normal presbyopic correction of around 1.25 addition, making her see N6 clearly. In normal circumstances, the patient’s eye examination and purpose would have ended by prescribing and dispensing the spectacles, but not in my practice. The patient’s anterior segment was checked with 5 Step Slit Lamp which showed a shallow anterior chamber, intraocular pressure was checked with a standard applanation tonometer which showed very high intraocular pressure in both eyes with a wide difference between the two and her retina showed a high cup disc ratio. Her visual field tests showed early glaucoma changes. The patient was immediately referred to an ophthalmologist and her eyes were saved. The above case clearly indicates that there is an urgent need among the optical stores across our country to bring about drastic changes in their attitude towards what an eye check-up is all about. In today's digital age, where screen time has become a significant part of daily life, individuals are increasingly prone to digital eye strain and other related issues. Comprehensive eye checkups can assess the impact of prolonged screen use on vision and provide guidance on mitigating potential problems. Additionally, these examinations can lead to recommendations for specialised eyewear or vision therapy to alleviate digital eye strain symptoms. Different age groups have varying eye care needs. Children may need vision COMPREHENSIVE EYE CHECKUPS CAN ASSESS THE IMPACT OF PROLONGED SCREEN USE ON VISION AND PROVIDE GUIDANCE ON MITIGATING POTENTIAL PROBLEMS

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