VisionPlus India

84 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION I ndia’s population stands at around 1429 million and an estimated 50000 people will be added every day in the year 2024. Out of the total current population, around 8 million are blind, half of it being preventable. In our country, as per the latest data available, the current Number of Registered Ophthalmologist stands at about 23000 and that of Optometrists stands at about 50000 (4 Year Programme) and 20000 (2 Year Programme) and approximately 8 lakh optical stores. Globally the first place anyone goes for an eye check-up is an optical store because of its convenience in accessing the problem making it the primary place to detect many eye conditions and diseases like Cataracts, Diabetic Retinopathy, Age-Related Macular Just 6/6 N6 is not enough. Sanjay Mehta from Tower Optics talks about why it's important to care of our eyes. He shares stories and explains how using new tools can help keep our vision healthy ADVANCED OPTOMETRIC TOOLS LEADTHEWAY Degeneration, which often develop early signs and symptoms. Most opticians employ an optometrist just to detect refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia to dispense the spectacles and contact lenses. The common question from an optician is why should I improve the eye testing standards in my practice? The answer is why not. A 42-year-old patient came to my clinic with a common complaint of not being able INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT

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