VisionPlus India

shaping the association's future, with 92 dedicated members adding their voices to the electoral process. The 2024 elections for the Mumbai Optical Association (MOA) mark a turning point in the industry's journey, with fresh faces set to lead the way forward. The elections proceeded smoothly, demonstrating the industry's resilience and commitment to progress. With a mix of experienced veterans and promising newcomers, the newly elected committee is poised to address the evolving needs of the optical sector. As they take on their roles, these leaders inherit the responsibility of upholding the MOA's founding MUMBAI OPTICAL ASSOCIATION ELECTION 2024 principles while adapting to the changing landscape of the industry. Their mandate encompasses fostering collaboration, driving innovation, and advocating for the collective interests of MOA members. In the grand narrative of Mumbai's optical legacy, the 2024 elections represent a pivotal moment, signalling a fresh chapter of unity and progress for the MOA community. With optimism and determination, the newly elected leaders begin a new journey, steering the MOA towards a future filled with promise and opportunity. T he renowned Mumbai Optical Association (MOA), with over 25 years of leadership in the optical industry in India, conducted its highly anticipated 2024 elections. The optical industry witnessed yet another historic event. With 22 candidates vying for positions and a total of 168 votes cast. The electoral process commenced on March 17th 2024 at Stepper’s Office in Borivali, where 76 enthusiastic members participated in shaping the future of the association. The following day, March 18th 2024, saw the continuation of this democratic exercise at the MOA Office in Kalbadevi affirming its vital role in The Mumbai Optical Association (MOA) ushers in a new era with the crowning moment of its 2024 elections 60 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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