VisionPlus India

Care noted MiYOSMART Chameleon's extended wearing time of 12 hours on weekdays, potentially enhancing myopia management effectiveness in children. The EEP also demonstrated that wearing MiYOSMART Chameleon for 2 weeks significantly reduced light sensitivity in patients (n=19) receiving concurrent low- dose atropine treatment. Although further research on a bigger sample may be needed to draw conclusions, the results in the area of combination treatment are promising. patient habits, adaptation, satisfaction, and outdoor behaviour. The EEP found that MiYOSMART Chameleon lenses enabled swift adaptation, with nearly 80% adjusting within a day, regardless of age. All wearers, regardless of experience or location, were fully satisfied with the visual performance and comfortable with the lenses' transition. At the 3-month mark, a 98% satisfaction rate with MiYOSMART Chameleon lenses is likely to increase Eye Care Professionals' confidence in recommending them. In addition to positive satisfaction and adaptability findings, HOYA Vision H OYA Vision Care has just revealed the results of the Early Experience Program (EEP), a post-marketing surveillance focused on the patient experience of MiYOSMART sun solutions that began shortly after the 2023 launch of the new photochromic MiYOSMART Chameleon spectacle lenses. The Early Experience Program aimed to assess MiYOSMART Chameleon lens acceptance and wearer habits, gathering data from 100 patients aged 3 to 20 across Europe, Asia, and Australia. The EEP aimed to address inquiries from Eye Care Professionals and parents about the MiYOSMART sun range while examining MIYOSMART SPECTACLE LENSES HOYA Vision Care gains valuable insights into MiYOSMART Chameleon spectacle lenses directly from their patients HAPPENINGS 54 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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