VisionPlus India

GPT-4, OpenAI's advanced AI model, surpasses non-specialist doctors in diagnosing eye problems, showcasing AI's potential to revolutionise eye care required to diagnose or offer treatment advice from four given options.The results were astonishing. GPT-4 scored significantly better than unspecialised junior doctors, whose level of specialist eye knowledge is akin to that of general practitioners. Moreover, GPT-4's performance was comparable to that of trainee and expert eye doctors, although the top- performing human doctors still outscored the AI. IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTHCARE The implications of these findings are profound. The EYE MATTERS I n a study, the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical field have been brought to the forefront. The AI model GPT-4 significantly surpasses non-specialist doctors in assessing eye problems and providing advice. This research underscores the potential of AI to revolutionise the way we approach eye care, offering a glimpse into a future where AI could play a crucial role in triaging patients and enhancing the efficiency of healthcare systems. THE STUDY AND ITS FINDINGS The study focused on evaluating the performance of GPT-4, a large language model developed by OpenAI, against doctors at various stages of their careers. The participants, including unspecialised junior doctors, trainees, and expert eye doctors, were presented with 87 patient scenarios involving specific eye problems. Each was AIALTERSTHE FUTUREOF EYECARE 46 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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