VisionPlus India

OFF THE SHELF A TRIBUTE TO LUXURY AND TECHNOLOGY The Black Edition series embodies the supreme elegance of titanium frames. An exclusive selection presented with a sophisticated, luxurious appearance, a product of the perfect marriage between science and fine craftsmanship. Thanks to the innovative Blackfin Nano-Plating process, each model takes on a unique, unmistakable personality. The Black Edition series is a tribute to technology and to luxury. The colors sparkle in different shades, from black to gold, in a sophisticated interplay of indelible reflections, thanks to the Blackfin Nano-Plating process, able to increase resistance in the polished surface that will continue to glow with the same intensity. BROOKWOOD VIEW, LIKE OR SHARE THIS ARTICLE ONLINE Simply scan the qr-code using QR Reader app from an i-phone .or android smartphone WATERVILLE WATERVILLE LEESBURG 60 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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