VisionPlus India

BRAND PROFILE AVISIONARY JOURNEYIN EYEWEAR EXCELLENCE I n the world of eyewear, where fashion meets functionality, Etnia Barcelona has emerged as a beacon of innovation and style. This Spanish brand has not only revolutionized the eyewear industry with its avant-garde designs but has also set new standards for quality and sustainability. Etnia Barcelona is not just a brand; it's a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into creating the perfect pair of glasses. Etnia Barcelona, founded in the vibrant city of Barcelona, stands at the forefront of eyewear innovation, seamlessly blending artistry with functionality. With a philosophy rooted in transforming eyewear into a form of self-expression, the brand has become Etnia Barcelona redefines eyewear with vibrant designs and sustainable craftsmanship. Explore the brand's fusion of artistry and fashion-forward styles synonymous with bold designs, high-quality craftsmanship, and a commitment to sustainability. From culturally inspired collections to cutting-edge technology, Etnia Barcelona transcends traditional boundaries, offering a unique vision of eyewear that not only enhances one's visual clarity but also serves as a powerful fashion statement. This is the story of an eyewear brand that has redefined the way we see and experience style. ORIGINS AND PHILOSOPHY Etnia Barcelona was born in the vibrant city of Barcelona in 2003. The brand was founded by David Pellicer, 20 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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