VisionPlus India

All correspondence should be addressed to FOURPLUS PUBLICATIONS 3rd Floor, Sahdev, Vishal Nagar, Marve Road, Malad (West), Mumbai-400 064 Tel: (022) 2889 9665 E-mail: PRINTED & PUBLISHED by Siraj Bolar on behalf of FourPlus Publications, and printed by him at Raj Kreations, Kandivali, Mumbai and published at 3rd Floor, Sahdev, Vishal Nagar, Marve Road, Malad (West), Mumbai-400 064. Editor: Siraj Bolar CONTENTS FOURPLUS MEDIA TRENDS | PAGE 16 SUNGLASSES REIGN SUPREME AT THE WORLD CUP SUNGLASSES REDEFINE CRICKET AESTHETICS, AS PLAYERS DON OAKLEY'S STYLE-INFUSED EYEWEAR, MARKING A STYLISH REVOLUTION ON-FIELD INDIA VISION PLUS The#1eyewear fashionmagazine for theoptical industry,VisionPlus, ispublishedby FourPlusMediawithdedicatedprinteditions in India,MiddleEastand SouthEastAsia. Itreachesout toeyecarepractitionersacross20countriesworldwide. TheVisionPlus printeditionsarecomplementedby itsstrongonlineplatform keeping the industry informed24/7with fashionupdates; new s,viewsandreviews; and interviewswithprominentprofessionals in theoptical industry. Vol.23 | Issue2 |Nov-Dec2023 BRANDPROFILE |PAGE20   INSIGHT |PAGE42   VISIONANDBEYOND |PAGE46 SPECIALFEATURE |PAGE26 BANK OF BARODA CREDIT CARD VISIONPLUS PREMIER LEAGUE 2023 A New Ground For Opticians: Scoring On The Cricket Pitch! TRENDS |PAGE 16 SUNGLASSES REIGNSUPREME ATTHEWORLD CUP… FOR ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES CONTACT +91 9820819674 Vol. 23 Issue 2 Nov-Dec 2023 BRAND PROFILE | PAGE 20 ETNIA BARCELONA: A VISIONARY JOURNEY IN EYEWEAR EXCELLENCE THE VISIONPLUS EXPO CELEBRATED ITS TRIUMPHANT RETURN IN 2023 WITH ITS HIGHLY ANTICIPATED THIRD EDITION, SOLIDIFYING ITS POSITION AS A BEACON OF INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE IN THE EYEWEAR INDUSTRY Miscelánea invitesus toexplore theconnections between Japanese and Mediterranean culture through environments where tradition and inno- vationcoexist. EtniaBarcelonaonceagaindemonstrates itscon- nection to theartworld, this timewith the launch of Miscelánea. The campaign, through which the Barcelona eyewear brand presents its new Autumn-Winter2023collection,portraysaworld full of symbolism where two cultures converge: JapaneseandMediterranean. Miscelánea portrays unique surrealistic atmo- spheresstarring femalecharacters,whosecom- position isaclearnod toclassicalpictorialart. In each image,elementsof JapaneseandMediter- raneanculturecoexist,alongwith traditionaland modern objects. The result: pictorial works that intertwine twoculturesanddecontextualizesym- bols,blending traditionand innovationandoffering multiple levelsof interpretation.Misceláneaalso revives theconceptof “BeAnartist,”amotto that hasaccompanied thebrandsince2017, inviting rebellion throughartasameansof findingone’s own formofexpression. With this campaign, photographed by Biel Ca- pllonch, Etnia Barcelona highlights the cultural andartistic legacyof twoseeminglydistinctand distant worlds: the Mediterranean, a place that inspires and has witnessed the brand’s growth, and Japan, an ancient region rich in symbolism andmythological legends. Thismixof influences isalso reflected in thede- signs of the new optical collection, which stand out for theircombinationofnaturalacetateswith textures and details inspired by Japan, featuring boldshapeswithaMediterraneancharacter.No- tablenovelties includeprints representingkoi fish scales,cherryblossomcolors,oracirculardetail on the templesymbolizing the risingsun. TheAutumn-Winter2023collection isnowavail- ableatselectedopticalstores (consult thebrand’s shopfinderon thewebsite),atwww.etniabarce-,andat its flagshipstore. ETNIA BARCELONA PRESENTS THE NEW CAMPAIGN FOR ITS NEW FALL-WINTER 2023 COLLECTION 14 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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