VisionPlus India
NEO-APERFECT AMALGAMATION OFJAPANESE DESIGN&INDIAN WORKMANSHIP! F ounded by Lt Shri Nanubhai Desai in 1979, headquartered in Anand, Gujarat – Optilab is the leading manufacturer of Optical workshop machinery in India. Pioneering in manufacturing of metal bonded diamond wheels, Optilab is the market leader and a trusted name for edging solutions across India and beyond. In the following decades since its inception the company introduced many other products such as frame warmers, sun testers, drill machines, supra machines etc. It is also one of the first manufacturers of semi-automatic edgers in the market. LAUNCHING NEO In 2014 the company decided to take the next big step. Collaborating with Grand Seiko Japan, Optilab successfully developed a fully automatic patterned edger – NEO. With this, Optilab became the only Indian company to manufacture a fully automatic indigenous patterned edger. Staying true to its Japanese origin, Neo brings an unmatched quality output at a very reasonable price. WHAT MAKES NEO UNIQUE AND UNPARALLELED? Neo is a perfect amalgamation of Japanese design and Indian workmanship. What Staying true to its motto of “a better, way finders…” Optilab has offered numerous solutions to the everyday need of an Optician. Let’s delve a little deep into the brand and its offerings
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