VisionPlus India

• The document on “Best Practice Standard” by Optometry Council of India which guides optometrists regards comprehensive eye examination and maintaining medical records. • Formulating a continuing education credit point- based system. • Regular National and International conferences such as Elite Schools International Vision Science & Optometry conference, Indian Optometry Association annual conference and Masterclass Optometry conferences. • Prefix of Optom for all graduate optometrists, formed by Optom Rajesh Wadhwa. THE SALIENT POINTS OF “THE NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR ALLIED & HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS 2021” ACT : Eye care will be regulated through: Ophthalmic Science Council Ophthalmic science council will register: Optometrists, Ophthalmic Assistants and Vision technicians. Optometrists are under Healthcare with International Standard Classification of Occupation (ISCO) code: 2267 , Ophthalmic Assistants and Vision technicians’ under Allied: 3256 There will be 10 professional councils under this ACT that will be established. State councils will be formed within 6 months after the ACT is established. Stop Press NOTED EYECARE PROFESSIONAL, AJEET BHARADWAJ DISPUTES VIEW OF OPTOMETRY COUNCIL OF INDIA Scan QR Code to read more about it on our blog. THE ACT AIMS TO MAINTAIN THE STANDARDS OF EDUCATION, ACHIEVE EQUAL STANDARD OF GRADUATES ALL OVER INDIA Each state will maintain a live register for all three categories under ‘Ophthalmic Science’ Optometry: Minimum 4 years, 3600 hours of education,Ophthalmic Assistant and Vision technicians: Diplomas, minimum 2 years, 2000 hours of education The ACT aims to maintain the standards of education, achieve equal standard of graduates all over India through a common entrance and EXIT exam. It also aims at maintaining standard of faculty through National teachers eligibility test. Ophthalmic Science council will have not less than 4 members and not greater than 24 members in it. The state council will also have 4 autonomous bodies under its ambit, that will help in maintaining standard of education and practice. 60 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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