VisionPlus India

through this ACT. There are so many milestones that the profession achieved, through professionals who worked tirelessly and on an honorary basis. A few of them are: • Writing the Common Minimum Optometry Curriculum way back in 2002, which was further updated, modified and ratified by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. • Drafting the competency standards required by optometry graduates on graduation: IELOCS (Indian entry level optometry competencies) document in 2012, The declaration was formulated with inputs from the profession, Dr. GN Rao, Dr. Thulsiraj and various other experts in eye care. Prof Brien also helped to form the Indian Optometry Federation (IOF)(2010) and the self-regulatory: Optometry Council of India (OCI)(2012). Such milestones have helped us in the process of achieving regulation Standardization Of Education In India” which was compiled into a 20 page booklet, that was published in Optometry today later. Prof. Brien Holden was instrumental in bringing institutions and organizations together to sign the Delhi Declaration in July 2010, which brought both Indian Optometry Association (IOA) and the National Ophthalmic Association (NOA) together. THERE ARE SO MANY MILESTONES THAT THE PROFESSION ACHIEVED, THROUGH PROFESSIONALS WHO WORKED TIRELESSLY AND ON AN HONORARY BASIS 59 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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