VisionPlus India
OPHTHA TALK “THENATIONAL COMMISSION FORALLIED& HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL BILL2021” HAS BEENPASSED The long-awaited bill to recognise and regulate “Optometry” as a profession is finally here GN Rao, Dr. E. Vaithialingam, Mr. Naval Balliwala, Mr. Rajni Turakhia, Dr. Tulsiraj and Ms. Darshini Desai to name a few. Dr. S S Badrinath brought good quality 4-year optometry education to India by establishing the Elite School of Optometry in 1985. Prof J. Enoch put forth his ideas when he delivered the Palkhiwala memorial oration in 2008 on the topic “Optometry Regulation & O n 24th March 3:05pm, when Honourable Dr. Harsh Vardhan, gave his speech in Lok Sabha and when “The National Commission for Allied & Healthcare Professional bill 2021” was passed, entire profession of optometry celebrated JOURNEY OF OPTOMETRY & “THE NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR ALLIED & HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL ACT 2021” The profession dedicates this to many stalwarts who helped towards achieving this : Prof J Enoch, Prof. Brien Holden, Dr. SS Badrinath, Dr 58 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION
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