VisionPlus India

The generator – HSC sprint Built on base of the innovative concepts implemented in hundreds of HSC generators running in leading labs worldwide, the HSC sprint is an indispensable machine of modern labs. Combining excellent quality, high throughput, and industrial robustness the generator is the ideal choice to start and grow in digital surfacing. Small and economical, it produces the same quality lenses as the bigger operations. The full solution – Sprint Line SCHNEIDER’s Sprint Line has proven to be beneficial for virtually any surfacing department – ranging from the small lab to dedicated larger productions. The compact and fast digital-surfacing line offers the full range of capabilities for high-quality Rx and freeform production without the need for significant investments. CONTACT ME TODAY! DEVEN PATIL +91 (99 8) 77 68 21 8 SPRINT LINE – SURFACING FOR EVERY LAB HSC SPRINT SMALL SIZE. BIG VALUE. CB bond // HSC sprint / / CCP swift // CCL C*mark

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