VisionPlus India

The move is from dispensing to providing eye care solutions, by understanding the various visual needs of the consumer, based on the lifestyle, probing questions and offering relevant genuine solutions. The Crizal Happiness program is a step to aid this transition in mindset and change, by providing eye care solutions. The aim is to recommend the best solutions to meet different lifestyles and let the consumer make the choice, while Essilor’s efforts is to ensure that the trade and the consumers gain from the range of lifestyle solutions Crizal has to offer. have Crizal Blue UV capture range as your pair of lenses for High performance at work, Transitions Gen 8 light intelligent lenses or Xperio can be your companion on those road trips and hikes, you have planned for the weekend. While your vision is fogging up with the mask, Optifog can help you have a fog free vision during commute, and Eyezen or Crizal Previencia can be your choice for those binge watching or gaming nights, after a long day’s work. WHETHER IT IS STUDYING ONLINE OR WORKING LONG HOURS, YET MAKING TIME FOR PASSION AND HOBBIES LIKE PHOTOGRAPHY, COOKING, DANCING, SPORT OR EXERCISE. WE ALL WANT TO DO IT ALL!

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