VisionPlus India

it is their shared value and commitment to excellence in eye care, that makes them so relatable. Over the years, using my magazine as a medium, I have tried to bridge the gap between eyewear companies and opticians, both globally and locally. VisionPlus EXPO 2021 Dubai, is an extension of this ongoing mission. Every country or region seems to have its unique strengths — French Fashion, Italian Designs, German Precision, Japanese Technology, Asian Manufacturing and so on. While I completely understand the need for differentiation and specialisation, a part of me believes that we’d be far stronger if we shared our knowledge and expertise globally. The need for eyewear and eyecare is still highly unmet. By helping each other grow, we’ll be able to create a better future, not just for ourselves, but also for the end consumers. I hope to play a part in creating a platform, that brings the optical world together as one — not just as companies, but as people. Hope to see you at VisionPlus EXPO 2021, Dubai. BY HELPING EACH OTHER GROW, WE’LL BE ABLE TO CREATE A BETTER FUTURE, NOT JUST FOR OURSELVES, BUT ALSO FOR THE END CONSUMERS SIRAJ BOLAR, CEO OF FOURPLUS MEDIA AND EDITOR-IN CHIEF OF VISIONPLUS 41 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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