VisionPlus India

The show was hosted by Kaizeen Bolar along with star performer — Bollywood singer, Nakash Aziz. His witty presentation style, along with his trademark musical performance, entertained and enthralled the audience. Mr. Siraj Bolar, CEO of FouPlus Media, claiming the ZEISS ‘YOU&EYE’ AWARDS to have a very special place in his heart, acknowledged the effort of the opticians in giving life to this beautiful optical industry and felt honoured to have this opportunity to felicitate the best optical retailers of the country on this platform. His enthusiasm was evident when he proclaimed that these awards were not any less than the Filmfare Awards for the optical industry. Based on the feedback from the industry for the presentation, one can certainly agree! He also thanked the sponsors ZEISS, Cali4nia, Laurel Dale for supporting this initiative, and Optimed for supporting the Vote&Win campaign with their See-Saw children’s eyewear. This year, as an added twist, the awards had added a runner-up prize to the ZEISS ‘YOU&EYE’ AWARDS, giving an opportunity to reward more opticians than ever before… and increasing the number of awards to 34 to be precise. These were the awards announced ROHAN PAUL, HEAD VISION CARE COMMERCIAL CARL ZEISS INDIA NAKASH AZIZ, CELEBRITY HOST / SINGER KAIZEEN BOLAR, HOST SIRAJ BOLAR, CEO OF FOURPLUS MEDIA AND EDITOR-IN CHIEF OF VISIONPLUS 17 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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