VisionPlus India

All correspondence should be addressed to FOURPLUS PUBLICATIONS 3rd Floor, Sahdev, Vishal Nagar, Marve Road, Malad (West), Mumbai-400 064 Tel: (022) 2889 9665 E-mail: PRINTED & PUBLISHED by Siraj Bolar on behalf of FourPlus Publications, and printed by him at Mail Order Solutions India Pvt. Ltd., Andheri, Mumbai and published at 3rd Floor, Sahdev, Vishal Nagar, Marve Road, Malad (West), Mumbai-400 064. Editor: Siraj Bolar FOR ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES CONTACT +91 9820819674 CONTENTS Vol. 20 Issue 4 Mar-Apr 2021 SPECIAL FEATURE | PAGE 16 AN EVENT FILLEDWITH APPRECIATION AND ENTERTAINMENT! APPREHENSION, ENTHUSIASM, AND ENTERTAINMENT! YES, THE MUCH-AWAITED EVENT IN THE OPTICAL INDUSTRY, THE ZEISS ‘YOU&EYE’ AWARDS 20/21 WAS ALL OF THIS! TRENDS | PAGE 28 NEW NORMAL NEWER STYLES EYEWEAR FASHION SEEMS TO BE LOOKING AT THE NEW NORMAL WITH A NEWER PERSPECTIVE FOURPLUS MEDIA INSTRUMENTS&EQUIPMENT |PAGE84 INTERVIEW |PAGE94 A new era begins. Become its pioneer. ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 Seeing beyond BY VISIONPLUS MAGAZINE A SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT ON OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT Mar -Apr2021 INDIA Vol.20 | Issue4 |Mar-Apr2021 VISION PLUS The#1eyewear fashionmagazine for theoptical industry,VisionPlus, ispublishedby FourPlusMediawithdedicatedprinteditions in India,MiddleEastand SouthEastAsia. Itreachesout toeyecarepractitionersacross20countriesworldwide. TheVisionPlus printeditionsarecomplementedby itsstrongonlineplatform keeping the industry informed24/7with fashionupdates; news,viewsandreviews; and interviewswithprominentprofessionals in theoptical industry. WITHTHIS ISSUE TRENDS |PAGE28 DESIGNERPROFILE |PAGE34 SPECIALFEATURE |PAGE 16 ZEISS‘YOU&EYE’ AWARDS 20/21 AnEvent FilledWithAppreciation AndEntertainment! INSTRUMENTS &EQUIPMENT SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT 14 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION

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