VisionPlus India
Easyton from Elamed Russia — an ingenious, handy, super lightweight, pocket size IOP measuring device C oburn Technologies, Inc. has introduced a new product category to their surfacing line of products with a ground- breaking automatic lens deblocker, the Agility Autodeblocker. Developed for large labs seeking speed and efficiency, Agility claims to be the fastest automated deblocking system on the market, capable of deblocking over 200 lenses per hour. Contrary to deblocking with powerful water jets that displace alloy, causes alloy waste, and produce contaminated water waste, Agility separates the lens from the block, without water, in one clean, swift, mechanical action. “The new Agility Autodeblocker completes our automated post-polishing product offering. When combined with our Duality De-Taper & Cleaner, and our award-winning Velocity Lens Coater, our customers can fully automate the post-polishing process,” explains Coburn Technologies President Alex Incera. “Lenses can be deblocked, de-taped, cleaned and coated in minutes without operator involvement”. Coburn Introduces New Agility Autodeblocker for Optical Lenses T he Easytone is claimed to be the only reliable IOP measuring device in the segment, with unmatched levels of accuracy and repeatability. With a minimum measuring time of less than 2 seconds, the Easytone has earned its place as the ophthalmologists’ preferred IOP measuring device, saving time and money. This device is expected to be very user friendly for both the doctor and patient since measurements do not require any anaesthesia or preparation. Moreover, measurements do not require the unhygienic “puff” either, measurements are taken from the sclera region from over the eyelid, without any eye contact. 99 VISION PLUS INDIA EDITION
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