VisionPlus Arabia

TRANSPARENT FRAMES: LOW-KEY YET STYLISH The spotlight in 2024 shines brightly on clear frames, embodying elegance in simplicity. This trend emphasizes a growing interest in eyewear that accentuates facial features and makeup without overpowering them. Clear frames gracefully adapt to all skin tones and facial structures, seamlessly blending style and adaptability. As a J.F. REY 2614 SALT JENNINGS versatile choice, these frames provide a canvas for personal expression while maintaining a low-key yet stylish appearance. 3D PRINTED EYEWEAR: CUSTOMISATION AT ITS CORE The marriage of technology and personalisation takes centre stage in 2024 with the growing popularity of 3D-printed eyewear. Brands are offering unique, customizable designs that not only exude fashion but also champion eco- friendliness. The real allure of this trend lies in the promise of limitless designs, perfectly tailored to individual preferences. Bid farewell to the struggle of finding the perfect fit and embracing eyewear that seamlessly combines comfort with chic aesthetics. SHIELD EYEWEAR: BOLD AND FUNCTIONAL In 2024, the fashion wheel points to welcome Shield sunglasses, originally identified with the world of sports but now making waves in the broader fashion industry. A throwback to the bold and experimental styles of the flamboyant 1970s, 9 VISION PLUS ARABIA EDITION

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