VisionPlus Arabia

tests recommended for follow-up consultations to comprehensively evaluate both systems. ACCOMMODATIVE FUNCTION: • Accommodative accuracy (lag or lead) - open field autorefractors, retinoscopy techniques, photorefractors and non-clinical methods such as aberrometers. • Accommodative amplitude - minus lens technique or push-up test • Accommodative facility - measured with plus/minus flippers. VERGENCE FUNCTION: • Distance and near heterophorias - Risley prism and Maddox rod, Von Graefe method, alternating cover test, Howell near phoria card, Saladin near point balance card • Near fixation disparity - Saladin near point balance card • AC/A ratio - Calculated method and gradient technique for binocular vision measurement. Equipment you need: methods for measurement of accommodation and vergence. A retinoscope, plus/minus flippers and a prism bar will cover most aspects of binocular vision assessment. CORNEAL TOPOGRAPHY Topography is crucial for safe orthokeratology fitting. Unlike myopia progression in children, astigmatism DETECTING HYPEROPIA BELOW AGE- APPROPRIATE LEVELS CAN SIGNAL PRE- MYOPIA, WITH A SIGNIFICANT RISK FACTOR FOR FUTURE MYOPIA BEING A REFRACTIVE ERROR OF +0.50 OR LESS AT AGE 6-7 39 VISION PLUS ARABIA EDITION

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