VisionPlus Arabia

always been mindful of the future of the planet. For many years now, we’ve been pursuing a goal to reduce our CO2 emissions to zero. So far, we’ve managed to halve our CO2 emissions within the space of seven years. Back in September 2022, we reached an important milestone: our eyewear production achieved the status of carbon-neutral with offsetting. The remaining tons are offset by acquiring certificates from international Gold Standard projects. Deriving from this, we cemented our key objective by adding a timeline, and we’re now working hard to ensure that our eyewear production is carbon-neutral without external offsetting by 2027. VP: You currently have over 50 patents pending. Can you tell us more about your future plans? MS: We are constantly looking for new technologies and new materials. 2024 marks a groundbreaking moment with the launch of our first sustainable eyewear collection. This milestone not only underscores our dedication to innovation but also empowers customers to make a style statement with a profound impact on environmental responsibility. VP: You are determined to be climate-neutral and carbon- neutral. Can you tell us more about this? How you are going to achieve these goals? MS: Our mission is zero emissions. At our corporate headquarters and at our production site, we already use 100 per cent CO2-free, sustainable and environmentally friendly electricity. Our energy is generated from natural, renewable sources such as wind, solar, small-sourced power, and biofuels and is free of CO2 and nuclear power. We are committed to investing in clean energy for the future. Our own solar energy panels generate around 15% of the electricity we consume each year. And our green energy mission is only just getting started. As a family-owned business, the Silhouette Group has the wearer's appearance. Producing eyewear of the highest quality was of utmost importance for our founders. These visions define our company to this day. Based on the qualitative and aesthetic roots of our brand DNA, in 1999 Gerhard Fuchs, designer of the Titan Minimal Art, stated that he wanted to omit anything that was unnecessary while refusing to compromise in terms of design and comfort. Together with technical innovations that were groundbreaking the revolutionary approach of Titan Minimal Art became reality. Today, over 12.4 million pairs have been sold and there is no end in sight to this success. Silhouette is constantly working on the details with passion, dedication, and meticulousness. 16 VISION PLUS ARABIA EDITION

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