VisionPlus Arabia

identify faces, allowing users to effortlessly connect with familiar individuals. This feature not only fosters social bonds but also empowers visually impaired individuals to engage confidently in social settings. The technology bridges the gap between the visually impaired and the sighted, enhancing interpersonal connections. INDEPENDENT SHOPPING WITH PRODUCT RECOGNITION OrCam MyEye extends its utility to daily shopping experiences. By pointing at a product, users can receive audio descriptions, including the product's name, brand, and other relevant information. This empowers visually impaired individuals to Reading with ease should be a universal right, and OrCam Learn is dismantling barriers to make this vision a reality. This journey toward inclusivity is empowering every individual to thrive and reach their true potential. ACCESSIBLE INFORMATION FOR ALL OrCam MyEye is not just a device; it's a bridge to a more inclusive world. Wireless, lightweight, and compact, this AI-driven technology discreetly reads printed and digital text from any surface and reads it aloud in real time. Newspapers, books, computer screens, restaurant menus, product labels, and street signs become instantly accessible. Additional features include instant face recognition and identification of consumer products, colors, and currency notes. ORCAM MYEYE IN ACTION: A NEW WAY OF SEEING OrCam MyEye, a tiny camera and microphone that attaches to a pair of glasses, is linked to a processing base unit small enough to fit in a pocket or clip to a belt. Pointing a finger at text triggers the text- recognition technology, and a computerized voice reads aloud the text in front of the camera. This device is not limited to text; it can recognize faces, currency, and various objects, adding a new dimension to the visually impaired user's experience. make informed purchasing decisions independently. It's a remarkable step towards equal access and inclusion in the shopping experience. BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS WITH ORCAM LEARN OrCam Technologies doesn't stop at MyEye; they have a broader vision. OrCam Learn aims to make reading accessible to everyone, including those with Dyslexia and ADHD. ORCAM LEARN AIMS TO MAKE READING ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE, INCLUDING THOSE WITH DYSLEXIA AND ADHD 38 VISION PLUS ARABIA EDITION

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