VisionPlus Arabia

OFF THE SHELF EZ0213 VIEW, LIKE OR SHARE THIS ARTICLE ONLINE Simply scan the qr-code using QR Reader app from an i-phone .or android smartphone ZEGNA’S ROAD TO NEW STYLE CODES ZEGNA’s values of innovative design and fine workmanship come together in the new eyewear collection. The result is a refined line of glasses with modern sophistication and distinctive details, like the iconic double-stripe ZEGNA brand mark that pays tribute to the 232 Road in Oasi Zegna, the home of their values. Elevated materials are transformed into new silhouettes and patterns reflecting the brand’s road to new style codes, always in step with the times. The collection, produced by Marcolin, will be available starting in September in global ZEGNA boutiques and select optical stores. EZ0214 EZ0213 EZ0214 66 VISION PLUS ARABIA EDITION

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