VisionPlus Arabia

achieve greater clarity of stenopaeic vision • Frontal headache • Irritation Signs: • Blurring of vision in distance • Prominent eyeballs, myopic people tend to have bigger eyes • Anterior chamber is deeper than normal • Against the motion glow in retinoscope • Retinal changes are generally seen in moderate to high myopes TYPES OF MYOPIA Myopia is broadly classified into Two Types: • Clinical Classifications • Etiological Classifications Based on the clinical classifications Myopia can be sub-classified into following: the TV or scores in cricket & football match from certain distance. Normal people who don't have any kind of refractive error can easily read those from normal distances. Also, people may not recognise friends/ relatives of theirs from 5 feet or beyond when they have significant amount of Myopia. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Symptoms: • Poor distance vision • Asthenopic symptoms in small degree of myopia • Parents may complain of children at times 'half-shutting' their eyes. The child does so to ... PEOPLE MAY NOT RECOGNISE FRIENDS/ RELATIVES OF THEIRS FROM 5 FEET OR BEYOND WHEN THEY HAVE SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF MYOPIA 45 VISION PLUS ARABIA EDITION

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