ParfumPlus Arabia

❚ JULIEN RASQUINET, SENIOR PERFUMER AT CPL PP: DIFFERENT REGIONS OF THE ARABIAN PENINSULA HAVE DISTINCTIVE PERFUME PREFERENCES. CAN YOU TELL US, IN SOME DETAIL, WHAT YOU HAVE DISCOVERED ABOUT THE SAME? JR: Arabian Peninsula regions exhibit unique perfume preferences. The Levant leans towards Lavender, Orange Blossom, Damask Rose, and Cedarwood, while the GCC opts for intense notes like Ouds, Bakhoor, and Saffron. These diverse choices mirror the varied climates, landscapes, and cultural influences, with extreme weather prompting a preference for potent and long-lasting fragrances in these regions. PP: CAN YOU DISCUSS HOW THE AVAILABILITY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND BOTANICALS IN DIFFERENT REGIONS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE UNIQUENESS OF SIGNATURE SCENTS WITHIN THE ARABIAN PENINSULA? JR: Signature scents are intricately shaped by abundant natural resources and botanicals, defining their unique character. Regions adorned challenging me to tame their intensity in ways distinct from Western practices. PP: YOUR VISION OF ARAB HOSPITALITY IS HOW THEY RECEIVE YOU WITH SCENTS THAT INCLUDE NOTES OF CHICHA, ROSE AND SAFFRON. OF THESE, WHAT KIND OF FRAGRANCES ARE YOUR FAVOURITES? JR: Arab hospitality, deeply rooted in the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula, emanates warmth and cultural generosity. Whether in Riyadh or Dubai, the people's welcoming nature extends into their homes, sharing not just food but also fragrances. Culinary delights, like muhallabia's orange blossom and baklava's pistachio-rose mix, create an intricate flavour canvas. In majlis gatherings, the sophisticated waft of bakhoor honours guests, while shisha's pervasive scent signifies lingering friendly moments. I'm personally drawn to fragrances embodying warmth, opulence, and escapism, resonating with Arabian hospitality's cultural essence. P A R F U M P L U S 7

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