ParfumPlus Arabia

LAUNCHES THEMATCHA AROMASPACEBASE CPL Aromas, the world’s largest fragrance-only fragrance house, has launched a new fragrance as part of its unique AromaSpace technology collection: Matcha AromaSpace. As of now, the material is available exclusively to CPL Aromas’ perfumers, for use with their customers Escentia Taiwan, Australia and Spain. This latest offering reiterates their expertise when it comes to offering innovative fragrance solutions. THE TECHNICAL DETAILS Scent and emotion are intrinsically linked. It is also an established science that nature has a positive effect on our wellbeing. Natural fragrances can evoke childhood memories and bring you joy, calm you or excite you, bring you into focus and in general improve your day. To bring some of the most fragrant aromas from Nature into our everyday life without destroying their source, is a priority at CPL Aromas - they have been pursuing CPL AROMAS IS the world’s leading international, fragrance-only fragrance house, with 18 sites throughout the world. Employing 600 people globally, the company produces fragrance concentrates suitable for fine fragrances, personal care products and household applications. The leading fragrance maker has sites in the UK, USA, France, Dubai, Germany, Turkey, Hong Kong, Colombia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, South Korea, Vietnam, P A R F U M P L U S 32

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