ParfumPlus Arabia

STAR POWER It may seem like becoming a celebrity warrants one to get one’s own fragrance brand launched. Many have been guilty of this and some have seen a few eyebrows raised in appreciation PERFUMERY IS A creative process and like a film or a painting, needs appreciation from its audience. With star power the initial draw is always a given and most celebrities manage to sell what has been created. But then there’s a few of them that have been appreciated not just by their fans (who can never find fault with them!) but also those in the know of what perfumery is all about. Agreed that none of them will really make it to the classics or to the must-have list of a perfume connoisseur but some of them do stand out as decent efforts behind the scenes that were of course magnified by the star power and the marketing blitz. LET’S TAKE A LOOK AT SOME OF THE ONES THAT SOME OF US STILL REMEMBER (AND WEAR, WE HOPE!) Scentsation P A R F U M P L U S 6

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