ParfumPlus Arabia

Special Feature Layering It Up! To some it comes naturally and they can afford to experiment to express themselves. While to others it’s a game of trial and error and when they find the right combination they stick to it. We are talking about ‘layering of fragrances’ and Angela Turovskaya of BALMESSENCE offers us a few quick tips to layer it up this valentine contrary to the morning one which will be fresher and lighter. A very important element in layering is the family the fragrances belong to, such as Fresh, Aquatic, Oriental, Aromatic, Oud, Wood and so on. The accords or notes as we call them of the fragrances are what determine the characteristics of the fragrance. For a day layering that smells BEFORE WE START talking about layering we need to understand how fragrances need to be aligned with the occasion and the time of the day that we wear it for. Just like there is a suitable attire for every occasion or time of the day, so is a fragrance. If you are aiming for an evening fragrance, then I’d recommend layering more intense and sensual notes, 18

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