ParfumPlus Arabia

ORIGINATING IN SOUTH East Asia, as with many other unique trees, specific to this region, oud holds a very special place in the domain of exotic and refreshing fragrances. What is commonly known as agar, aloe or calambrac wood is a substance identified on a multitude of trees in the forests of Indo-China region. They are principally from the trees belonging to the family Aquilaria, Burseraceae, Thymeleaceae as well as Euphorbiaceae. However most of the dark wood pieces that the oud derives itself from, comes from the first species mentioned. Because the quality is superior to the rest. HOW DOES AGARWOOD TRANSFORM INTO A FRAGRANCE? Oud is revered because of its rarity and the sublime odour that it emits. However its production is due to a biological cause. Calambac wood, the origin of the oud resin, grows at the heart of the trunks of the trees mentioned above. The whole process is the result of the tree’s response to imminent danger. This may affect a section of the branches following monsoon or intense tropical rains. But sometimes it’s also the fungi, harmful insects or forest fire that affect the trees. The infected tree reacts to this danger by producing abundant sap as a form of self defence. This natural reaction is the primary cause of this dark and very fragrant wood. This resin takes form on infected trees but produces an excellent odour. This is the natural process for the creation of agarwood. However these days due to overexploitation of the resources, there’s an increase in artificially incising the trunks. THE FRAGRANT BENEFITS OF AGARWOOD Possessing a strong spiritual and purifying value in the Middle East, oud complements perfectly in the hearth of oriental fragrances… in the bakhours or in the baths in the form of essential oils. It’s uniqueness lies in the fact that it soothes and relaxes the atmosphere of the homes. The strong and fresh smell has medicinal benefits as well and is used for the treatment of headaches, nausea and asthma. Especially, when the smoke is inhaled. Oud is a very special fragrant resin with a rich and precious smell that’s coveted in the world of perfumery. The resin which originates from the lowlands of tropical forests is revered so much in the Middle East that it might almost possess a mystical quality for many P A R F U M P L U S 7

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