ParfumPlus Arabia
SCENTIN YOURSTARS It's been a fun journey this year, trying to understand howmaybe starsigns do influence your fragrance preferences. In the last part of this article, we take you through the perfume preferences of those born towards the end of the year - Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn SCORPIO Give a Scorpio a meaningful and positive purpose and they could change the world - there’s no stopping them. Self-doubt, recriminations, a lack of confidence… this is alien to them. SAGGITARIUS These guys are never dull. They will say what others truly think, but would never dare utter aloud. If you want an honest opinion, then ask a Sagittarius. Perfect travel/weekend companions, somewhat difficult colleagues Stargazing CAPRICORN Driven to do their utmost bestest, Capricorns never let themselves off the hook. Capricorns may not be the fastest, cleverest, or the most talented, but hard work beats talent every time when talent doesn't work as hard. That's why so many Capricorns make it - they never give up. P A R F U M P L U S 34
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