ParfumPlus Arabia
“ We’ve been working for over 200 years with natural raw materials and the Group has acquired a unique capacity to listen to and respect nature ” PP : TELL US ABOUT THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE THAT YOU HAD TO FACE WITH ROBERTET AND HOW YOU ADDRESSED IT. AT : My biggest and the most exciting challenge was to set up the entire operation for the ASEAN market in Singapore. I did it by building 2 fully equipped factories to answer the growing needs of our customers in this part of the world. I lived in Singapore for 4 years and I have to say that it was an amazing experience. PP : THERE WAS SOME RECENT NEWS ABOUT ROBERTET BEING BOUGHT OUT, WHICH WAS DENIED BY ROBERTET VERY STRONGLY. WHAT DO YOU THINK WAS THE ORIGIN FOR THIS NEWS AND COULD YOU SHED SOME LIGHT ON THIS TOPIC? AT : Since we are the world leader in natural ingredients with unique knowledge that most others do not possess, I do understand that it could be a reason for envy for some people out there. Especially in this market which is increasingly concentrated. But I can reassure you, Robertet is not for sale. PP : HOW DO YOU SEE THE MIDDLE EAST MARKET? HOW DO YOU LIKE BEING HERE? AT : Personally I love the culture and the spirit of the Middle East. The sense of relationship is amazing and some of the landscapes are breathtaking. The Middle East is one of the most important markets for us and we have ongoing plans for this region which includes doubling our resources here in the next 2 years. PP : WHICH PART OF YOUR JOB EXCITES YOU THE MOST? AT : I’ll be honest. I love travelling! And with travelling I love the opportunity to meet new people and discover new cultures. From a professional perspective, what excites me is entering new challenging markets and providing new technologies such as active ingredients coming from our natural raw materials. in farming, sourcing, extraction, transformation and creation. Across the globe, we have 14 centers for our research and creation that are discovering each moment, nature’s secrets, to offer original solutions and partnerships and to pioneer new resources. And moreover at Robertet, we guarantee total transparency from the seed to the fragrance. As we source throughout the world, our production line is ever more environmentally concerned and friendly. P A R F U M P L U S 14
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